Jiu-jitsu is an eastern martial arts style that includes all the other martial arts styles, because all the fields are represented: striking techniques with hands, feet and head. Both attack and defence techniques, convoy, holding, working with a variety of weapons, knives, sticks, firearm neutralization (from a short distance), swords, stacks, tonfas, etc. Statistics shows that most street battles take place in the parterre, although initially it started as a striking battle or fisticuffs with various types of strokes. Therefore, this component is important for the mastery of martial arts. Parterre – it is a lesson in truth, you can throw your fists around, but all fighters will get to parterre sooner or later. Strength training in the parterre will also be "hearty".
Jiu-jitsu striking techniques
Jiu-jitsu practical style includes striking techniques, and all technical elements are combined in the parterre, figuratively speaking, jujutsu is like a sphere that has everything that can be found in martial arts. In a way, it is the key to efficiency.
Jiu-jitsu practical style
Jiu-jitsu practical style includes striking techniques, and all technical elements are combined in the parterre, figuratively speaking, jujutsu is like a sphere that has everything that can be found in martial arts. In a way, it is the key to efficiency.
In our training we use yoga, mix. (Slavic yoga, hatha yoga and kundalini yoga) to warm up, we are also using breathing techniques from kundalini yoga.
Briefly about Self Defence School
Self defence school was created in the spring of 2011. Everyone can learn the basics of Eastern martial arts techniques (see: physical self-defence) as well as energy-informative techniques and various energetic (including meditation) techniques (see: energy practices).
Eastern martial arts training
We offer an opportunity to attend Eastern martial arts training. With an individual approach, every student is taught the most effective techniques – mostly from jiu-jitsu, but also from other martial arts styles (boxing, judo, aikido, Brazilian jujutsu, etc.). Although the name of the school itself says that the main emphasis is placed on self-defence, athletes with previous experience who need training in order to keep fit will also feel good. In accordance with each individual level of fitness, sparings and battles (mostly in the parterre, but also from the standing position) take place in the training.
Everything that really works has rights to be and must be used. /I.Varpins/
Born in 1972. Is interested in eastern martial arts since 1986, when martial arts schools were banned in Soviet Latvia, so he had to learn the basics of Eastern martial arts in illegal karate training. Street fighting practice has also been experienced.
From 1991 to 1994, work in internal affairs structures, judo training at LFI.
From 1999 to 2003, classes at Olga Onopchenko's KOLO martial arts, in parallel with Kendo, Taidzichuan Caligraphy, as well as spiritual practice, Zen Buddhism meditation. Healing training. DAO practice (Mantak Chia) since 2003.
From 2000 to 2010, jiu-jitsu classes with the famous master Aleksandrs Osnach at the Latvian Military Jujutsu Association. In 2009, he passed the Black Belt Exam. Currently, Ingmar has a 1st degree black belt in jujutsu. Passed the black belt test in 2009.
As a logical continuation of spiritual practice - studying at St. Petersburg International School of Social Ecology, Milton Ericsson hypnotherapy, Stalker – transformation game, Tambolia Card.
Education: psychoecologist.
Both martial arts classes and energy-informative training seminars are conducted by Instructor Ingmars Varpins (pictured in blue kimono), 1st degree black belt in jiu-jitsu.