Release from grips
Release from grips is a very important part of jiu-jitsu. During training sessions, situations where an attacker (known as Uke in Japanese fighting styles) is attacking, grasping an opponent behind his arm, shoulder, jacket, hair, from the back, etc. A partner who performs the technique (Nage) is released from the grip by executing a technique. In most cases, the technique ends with control – a situation where Nage, or the one who protects, fully controls the attacker.
Release from grips in jiu-jitsu can be similar to aikido (relatively gentle and very technical techniques that require extremely precise performance), but release can also be accomplished using a relatively easier, but at the same time, more traumatic technique for opponent (inserting strikes and kicks, acting on the opponent's pain points, performing various throws, etc.).

(In the image above – Nikyo control, aikido technique. Similar techniques for controlling the opponent by means of pain techniques are also used in jiu-jitsu, however, usually aikido techniques are complemented with various strikes and kicks to up their efficiency and to distract opponent's attention.)
However, jiu-jitsu control can be concluded in different ways than aikido. For example, after getting out of grip, going to the fight at the parterre and controlling the partner with one of the parterre's techniques.

Techniques – fight on the ground
The most part of real conflict situations, especially if the opponents are in similar capacities, end with a fight on the ground or at the parterre. To a large extent, thanks to parterre techniques, jiu-jitsu style is interesting and attractive to most MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) wrestlers. Parterre technique can be done both as an execution of various pain technique and as a strangulation or holding (control). Both in Latvia and in the world, competition, where the entire fight between opponents occurs only on the ground is gaining more and more popularity. In this competition the winner is the one who performs the technique to opponent the first, forcing the opponent to give in.
In the 1990s, Brazilian jiu-jitsu won great popularity thanks to Royce Gracie, one of the most prominent representatives of this fighting style (one of the legendary Gracie family, thanks to which Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is also known as Gracie Jiu-jitsu). Royce Gracie has won the Ultimate Fighting Championship (legendary MMA Fighting Tournament) three times.
Brazilian jiu-jitsu technique is famous, mainly thanks to the fight at the parterre or fight on the ground. The fighter, overcoming the distance, leads his opponent to a battle at the parterre, where they win thanks to technical superiority. Brazilian jiu-jitsu techniques are in the technical arsenal of almost every MMA wrestler.
Self-defence techniques Brazilian jiu-jitsu are very useful, because, according to statistics, most of the conflict situations, where the opponents are about similar in their forces, end up with a fight on the ground, and then usually someone who manages a wider arsenal of techniques to fight on the ground wins.
Parterre techniques are regularly used in our training sessions, as well as light fights take place in parterre to test our strength.
Techniques – throws
Jiu-jitsu includes a very wide range of throwing techniques, ranging from the sporty throws that we can see, for example, in judo competitions, up to very technical (aikido type) throws. The main difference between the two styles mentioned above and jiu-jitsu here lies in the fact that jiu-jitsu throw can be combined with a variety of other techniques – mostly with strikes and kicks, but also with various other pain techniques, that help with the execution of the technique. Those who have practiced aikido will see many similarities in jiu-jitsu technique – including throws. In turn, when someone has spent some time training for judo, it can be said that they already know a large part of jiu-jitsu throws.

1. Sporty (judo type) throws
These throws are very diverse – ranging from simple throws (for example, making your opponent stumble or making them lose their balance) to the difficult ones (throwing your opponent over your hips, over your shoulder, over yourself, etc.). When practicing judo throws, the accuracy of the person who performs the technique is very important, but especially on the part of the partner to whom the throw is performed. In judo, one of the main skills is the ability to fall right - that's why correct fall techniques are being taught at training sessions.
The ability to fall right will be useful later on, not only for tatami, but can also be useful in the most ordinary situations of life, for example, when slipping on a slippery sidewalk. Given that some judo throws may be traumatic for beginners, during training we first learn the ability to fall right, and learn throwing techniques only when falling skills are good enough. We start learning throws with the simplest throws.

In the image above: judo throw, based on making the opponent lose their balance and making them stumble. This is a relatively simple and secure throw.

With such throws (pictured above), judo is usually advertised on posters. Partners flight looks beautiful, of course, however, such a throw can only be fulfilled only to a partner who has mastered the correct falling skill, otherwise throws may end with injuries.
2. Highly technical (aikido type) throws
Aikido technique is very complicated. To use it effectively, beginners will need to train for many years. Aikido teaches "to work" with opponent's force, to drive it and use the opponent's inertia. Aikido throws are also like that – complicated and demanding highly precise technical performance, yet appealing because it is a chance to defeat your opponent, yet in a caring way without causing serious injury.
The picture shows one of the traditional aikido throws.

Techniques – convoying
Convoying technique is mainly used for learning practical type of jiu-jitsu, which is being learned by police officers, bodyguards and other representatives of security structures and it is also taught in various self-defense classes, also in our group. Convoying means that Nage (the one who performs the technique) controls Uki (who receives the technique) with various pain techniques, Nage, without losing control, can force Uki to stand up, stretch his hand forward, etc., in other words the person who implements the technique has full control over the captured.
One of the most popular but not necessarily the only method of convoying is to breach opponents’ hands on their back in order to take them outside the sports field territory. At our training sessions, technique where convoying is done by one person is used most often.